Iā€™m an educator, physicist, data scientist, and industrial engineer who spends most of his time advocating for students and teachers. My focus areas include curriculum and pedagogy, large-scale K16 partnerships, and making coding accessible to every student by the time they graduate high school. If your organization does great things and could use a creative, supportive team member or project manager, send an email to adamlamee@gmail.com or download my CV.


Project Management

Communication & Collaboration

Data Science



5 years: PhysTEC Teacher-in-Residence, Physics Dept., University of Central Florida
9 years: Researcher, large-scale/game/performance assessments, Florida State University
10 years: High school Teacher, Department Chair, trainer & mentor
15 years: Quarknet Teaching & Learning Fellow, US-CMS Teacher Fellow


M.S. Industrial Engineering, University of Central Florida
+ 27 graduate credits in Physics
+ 9 graduate credits in Education

B.S. Physics w/Education focus & B.S. Anthropology, Florida State University


Hutner, T., Sampson, V., LaMee, A., FitzPatrick, D., Batson, A., & Aguilar-Landaverde, J. (2020). Argument-Driven Inquiry in Physics, Volume 2: Electricity and Magnetism Lab Investigations for Grades 9ā€“12. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press, National Science Teachers Association.

Sampson, V., Hutner, T., FitzPatrick, D., LaMee, A., & Grooms, J. (2017). Argument-Driven Inquiry in Physics, Volume 1: Mechanics Lab Investigations for Grades 9ā€“12. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press, National Science Teachers Association.

Sherdan, D., Anderson, A., Rouby, A., Lamee, A., Gilmer, P., & Oosterhof, A. (2014). Including Often-Missed Knowledge and Skills in Science Assessments. Science Scope, 038(01). doi:10.2505/4/ss14_038_01_56